Are you a stay at home mom or a busy working person with kids looking for handy ways to save money? Money saving is a challenging and daunting task but if you are resolute and determined, stashing away precious bucks for future spending should not be stressful. I have compiled a list of some useful money saving tips for moms that will surely help you with this ambitious task.
Pennywise Money Saving Tips for Moms
Define A Budget
I feel the best way to save money is to set a budget for your spending. If you are living on a single income source, it is reasonable to practice frugality and spend wisely. Define a budget factoring in all your expenses including utilities, groceries, health care and any mortgage or loans etc. Always keep a buffer to mitigate for any unexpected surprises.
Avoid Using Your Credit Card
When it comes to money saving tips for moms, this takes the top slot. I find using cash to make your payments is a very effective approach to avoid impulse buying. When you keep the credit card away and use cash instead, you can penny pinch better and waive off the urge to purchase anything you have spotted in an outlet or on an online store.
Focus On Your Needs
If you want to achieve your money saving goals, I would suggest you consider your needs first instead of dashing over to meet your wish-list targets. Prioritize your basic needs and use the set budget to fulfill these before heading over to spend money on your favorite designer outfit or on an expensive tech gadget. People, who are financially well-informed, are skilled at artful ways of spending money, so they divvy up less than they are making. Keep that in mind next time you head over to the store.
Avoid Frequent Trips & Outdoor Activities
One of the most utile money saving tips for moms, it ensures you are not unnecessarily spending finances on insignificant matters and your saving goals are being promptly addressed. It is understandable that you will end up wasting money on frequent dine-ins, outdoor indulgence and road trips every now & then. It is appropriate for stay-at-home moms to plan such activities carefully to avoid blowing up their hard-earned money.
Cook Your Meals
Cooking your own meals from scratch is sure to save you money compared to ordering a pizza or cooked food from an expensive restaurant. Being a busy mom, plan your meals for the week accordingly. I would recommend you opt for freezer cooking or use inexpensive frozen ready-to-eat meals that you can quickly warm up in the oven during the busy weekdays.
Buy Groceries On Discounts
I suggest you buy from discount stores to save quite a handful of bucks. Shop from a grocery store that offers cash points and buy in bulk discount on special holidays. It will give you the flexibility to buy more for less amount.
Plan A Home Garden
You will find this to be one of the most effective money saving tips for moms. Not only does it save you precious time by avoiding having to go to the market but it also helps you save money by growing your own produce. Set up a home garden, grow your own favorite vegetables & fruits, and cook budget-friendly meals for your family.
Buy Used Items
Consider buying used items when you go out shopping. For example, furniture items, kid’s clothes or even your automobile can help you save money if you buy them used. Make sure you buy used products with a warranty offer from a reputable seller.
Opt For Free Entertainment
One of the best money saving tips for moms, how about going for free entertainment. Enjoying a trip to a theme park, visiting a museum on a visitor pass or hosting a play-date at home are great ways to meet your saving milestones. Avoid spending on expensive entertainment like gym memberships, Netflix, cinema tickets, expos, and out of town day-trips.
Use the Library
Instead of spending money on costly textbooks, movies, TV shows and reading material, use the local library to get your reading resources. Local libraries have a plethora of informative resources, and they organize kid’s workshops and weekly classes. I would suggest you visit the library to avoid unnecessary spending on movies and books.
Swap or Barter With Your Friends
When talking about exciting money saving tips for moms, this is sure to take the leading spot. Have fun bartering with other stay-at-home mums and exchange ideas, skills or resources with them. For inspiration, perhaps a free basket of apples for a free hairstyle or a cooked meal for a cool winter jacket.
Use Energy Efficient Appliances
Whether it is a microwave oven, a thermostat or your home lighting, use energy-efficient appliances to save on utility bills every year. In addition, make sure you keep the thermostat’s temperature optimized for the winter & summer seasons. Experts recommend 18 Degrees for winters, which surely saves you unnecessary costs.
Opt For Do-it-Yourself (DIY)
A winner in the money saving tips for moms category, DIY is the best way to learn about things, make your time more productive as a mom and save you precious money. Search online for craft ideas, learn how to fix things yourself, check out the library for ideas, and sign up for an artwork class. The more you DIY the better you are positioned for successful money savings.
Keep A Check On Your Lifestyle
I find people who stay within their means are financially adept as they have good command over managing their spending and earnings. Focus on your priorities, lead a minimal lifestyle based on your income and never let temptations or distractions sway you from achieving your savings target. Eat simple, wear affordable, and live minimalistic.
Shop From Online Stores
Wrapping up the money saving tips for moms, my last tip will definitely help you shop for affordable items with more convenience. Online stores are a great way to save up on transportation fare and buy famous brand items on a budget. These stores often run special discount offers and have a flexible return policy. Explore different items, pick the most feasible one and have it delivered to your place free.
Featured image by pixabay
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